Submenu items“English” “한국어” “Français” “Deutsch” “Italiano” “Español” “Português” “Nederlands” “Svenska” “Suomi” “Norsk” “Dansk” “Polski” “Čeština” “Slovensky” “Magyar” “Română” “Български” “Ελληνικά” “српски” “Hrvatski” “Українська” “Русский” “中文” “日本語” “ไทย” “Türkçe” “ ” “ ” ”עברית“91. Press the MENU button Control joystick (/) “Settings.”2. Move the Control joystick (/) to select “Language,” and thenpress the OK button.3. Move the Control joystick (/) to select the desired OSDlanguage, and then press the OK button.4. Press the MENU button to exit the menu.• The OSD language is refreshed in the selected language.• “Language” options may be changed without prior notice.• Selected language is retained even without the battery pack or AC power adaptor.• The date and time format may change depending on the language you selected.SELECTING THE LANGUAGESYou can select the language that appears on the menu screen. The language setting is retained when thecamcorder is powered off.SettingsLanguageDefault SetVersionEnglishExit Move SelectSTBY 0:00:00 [475Min]FrançaisSCENESettingsLanguageDefault SetVersionExit SelectSTBY 0:00:00 [475Min]SCENE