50 Video PlayerApplicationsPlay and manage videos stored on your device.File name More optionsVideo listAdjust volumeRewindPop-up playerPause or PlayPlaybackpositionScreen ratioMove controlsFast-forwardMove controls• Adjust volume: Adjust the volume.• Fast-forward: Tap to skip to the next video. Touchand hold to fast-forward the current video.• File name: The name of the video file.• More options: Tap to view more options.• Move controls: Tap to move the Video playercontrols to the right or to the left (landscapeorientation only).• Pause or Play: Tap to pause or play the currentvideo.• Playback position: Drag to skip to another part ofthe video.• Pop-up player: Tap to open the video in thepop-up player window.• Rewind: Tap to restart the video or skip to aprevious video. Touch and hold to rewind thevideo.• Screen ratio: Change the screen ratio.• Video list: See the current video playlist.Video Player