45The WARNING indicator shows the state of the function which protects the projector. Check the state of the WARNINGindicator and the POWER indicator to take proper maintenance.POWER LAMPREPLACEWARNING-OFFWARNINGblinking redTOP CONTROLWarning IndicatorThe projector is shut down and the WARNING indicator is blinking red.When the temperature inside the projector exceeds the normaltemperature, the projector is automatically shut down to protectthe inside of the projector. The POWER indicator is blinking andthe projector is being cooled down. When the temperature insidethe projector returns to normal, the POWER indicator lights redand the projector can be turned on.✔Note:• After the temperature inside the projector returns to normal, the WARNINGindicator still continues to blink. When the projector is turned on again, theWARNING indicator stops blinking.Then check the matters below:– Did you provide appropriate space for the projector to beventilated? Check the installing condition to see if ventilationslots are not blocked.– Is the projector not installed near the ventilation duct of air-conditioning equipment which may be hot? Install theprojector away from the ventilation duct of air-conditioningequipment.– Are the air filters clean? Clean the air filters periodically. (p46)POWER LAMPREPLACEWARNING-OFFWARNINGlights redTOP CONTROLThe projector is shut down and the WARNING indicator lights red.When the projector detects an abnormal condition, it isautomatically shut down to protect the inside and the WARNINGindicator lights red. In this case, disconnect the AC power cordand reconnect it, and then turn the projector on once again forcheck. If the projector is still turned off and the WARNINGindicator lights red, disconnect the AC power cord and contact theservice station for check and repair.CAUTIONDO NOT LEAVE THE PROJECTOR WITH THE ACPOWER CORD CONNECTED UNDER THE ABNORMALCONDITION. IT MAY RESULT IN FIRE OR ELECTRICSHOCK.Maintenance and CleaningMaintenance & Cleaning