6Indicators and Projector ConditionCheck the indicators for the projector condition.IndicatorsProjector ConditionLAMPredREADYgreenWARNINGTEMP.redLAMPREPLACEorangeThe projector is off. (The main switch is OFF position or the AC powercord is unplugged.)The projector is in stand-by mode. Press the ON/STAND-BY button toturn on the projector.The projector is operating normally.The projector is preparing for stand-by or the projection lamp isbeing cooled down. The projector cannot be turned on until cooling iscompleted and the READY indicator lights green.The projector is in the Power management mode.The projector is operating normally• • • on• • • off• • • blinking at the normal rate(approx. 1 second ON,1 second OFF)• • • dim• • • blinking slow(approx. 2 seconds ON,2 seconds OFF)• • • blinking fast(approx. 0.5 seconds ON,0.5 seconds OFF)✽✽✽✽Appendix✽ When the projection lamp reaches its end of life, the LAMP REPLACE indicator lights orange.When this lights orange, replace the projection lamp a new one promptly. Reset the lampcounter after replacing the lamp ( p.57)Downloaded From projector-manual.com Sanyo Manuals