12Part Names and FunctionsTo ensure safe operation, please observe the following precautions : Ɣ8VHWZR $$$RU/5W\SHDONDOLQHEDWWHULHV Ɣ$OZD\VUHSODFHEDWWHULHVLQVHWV Ɣ'RQRWXVHDQHZEDWWHU\ZLWKDXVHGEDWWHU\ Ɣ$YRLGFRQWDFWZLWKZDWHURUOLTXLG Ɣ'RQRWH[SRVHWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROWRPRLVWXUHRUKHDW Ɣ'RQRWGURSWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO Ɣ,IWKHEDWWHU\KDVOHDNHGRQWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROFDUHIXOO\ZLSHWKHFDVHFOHDQDQGLQVWDOOQHZEDWWHULHV Ɣ5LVNRIDQH[SORVLRQLIEDWWHU\LVUHSODFHGE\DQLQFRUUHFWW\SH Ɣ'LVSRVHRIXVHGEDWWHULHVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVRU\RXUORFDOGLVSRVDOUXOHRUJXLGHOLQHVOpen the batterycompartment lid.Install new batteriesinto the compartment.Replace thecompartment lid.7ZR$$$VL]HEDWWHULHVFor correct polarity (+and –), be sure batteryterminals are in contactwith pins in compartment.1 2 3Point the remote control toward the projector (InfraredRemote Receiver) when pressing the buttons. Maximumoperating range for the remote control is about 16.4'(5m) and 60 degrees in front of the projector.5HPRWH&RQWURO2SHUDWLQJ5DQJH5HPRWH&RQWURO%DWWHU\,QVWDOODWLRQ16.4'(5 m)30° Remote control30°The 2 different remote control codes (Code 1–Code2) are assigned to this projector. Switching the remotecontrol codes prevents interference from other remotecontrols when several projectors or video equipment nextto each other are operated at the same time. Change theremote control code for the projector first before changingthat for the remote control. See "Remote control" in theSetting Menu on page 52.Press and hold the MENU and IMAGE buttons for morethan five seconds to switch between the Code 1 andCode 2. The initial code is set to Code 1.5HPRWH&RQWURO&RGH0(18EXWWRQ,0$*(EXWWRQ