62Maintenance and CleaningThis projector uses a high-pressure lamp which must be handled carefully andproperly.Improper handling may result in accidents, injury, or create a fire hazard.Ɣ /DPS OLIH PD\ GLIIHU IURP ODPS WR ODPS DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH HQYLURQPHQW RI XVHLamp life may differ from lamp to lamp and according to the environment of use.There is no guarantee of the same life for each lamp. Some lamps may fail orterminate their life in a shorter period of time than other similar lamps.Ɣ ,I WKH SURMHFWRU LQGLFDWHV WKDW WKH ODPS VKRXOG EH UHSODFHG LH LI WKH /$03If the projector indicates that the lamp should be replaced, i.e., if the LAMPREPLACE indicator lights up, replace the lamp with a new one IMMEDIATELY afterthe projector has cooled down.(Follow carefully the instructions in the Lamp Replacement section of this manual.)Continuous use of the lamp with the LAMP REPLACE indicator lighted mayincrease the risk of lamp explosion.Ɣ $ /DPS PD\ H[SORGH DV D UHVXOW RI YLEUDWLRQ VKRFN RU GHJUDGDWLRQ DV D UHVXOW RIA Lamp may explode as a result of vibration, shock or degradation as a result ofhours of use as its lifetime draws to an end. Risk of explosion may differ accordingto the environment or conditions in which the projector and lamp are being used.,)$/$03(;3/2'(67+()2//2:,1*6$)(7<35(&$87,2166+28/'%(7$.(1If a lamp explodes, disconnect the projector’s AC plug from the AC outlet immediately.Contact an authorized service center for a checkup of the unit and replacement of thelamp. Additionally, check carefully to ensure that there are no broken shards or piecesof glass around the projector or coming out from the cooling air circulation holes. Anybroken shards found should be cleaned up carefully. No one should check the inside ofthe projector except those who are authorized trained technicians and who are familiarwith projector service. Inappropriate attempts to service the unit by anyone, especiallythose who are not appropriately trained to do so, may result in an accident or injurycaused by pieces of broken glass./$03+$1'/,1*35(&$87,21625'(55(3/$&(0(17/$03Replacement lamp can be ordered through your dealer. When ordering a projection lamp, givethe following information to the dealer.Ɣ 0RGHO1RRI\RXUSURMHFWRU 3/&;.3/&;.Ɣ 5HSODFHPHQW/DPS7\SH1R32$/03(Service Parts No. 610 349 7518)