56)DFWRU\GHIDXOWThis function returns all setting values except for the8VHUORJR, 3,1FRGHORFN, /RJR3,1FRGHORFN,Lamp counter and Filter counter to the factory defaultsettings.)DFWRU\GHIDXOWWarning logThis function records anomalous operations while theprojector is in operation and use it when diagnosingfaults. Up to 10 warning logs are displayed with thelatest warning message at the top of the list, followedby previous warning messages in chronological order.31RWHWhen the Factory default function is executed, allthe warning log records will be deleted.This function is used to set a frequency for the filtercleaning.8VHWKH3RLQWŸźEXWWRQVWRVHOHFW)LOWHUFRXQWHUDQGWKHQSUHVVWKH3RLQWŹRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQWRDFFHVVthe submenu items.Filter counter.........Show the total accumulated timeof the filter use timer setting.7LPHU..................... To set a timer, when the projectorreaches the time, the Filter warningicon (Fig.1) appears on the screenand the total accumulated timeturns red, indicating that the filterreplacement is necessary.Filter counter reset... After replacing the filter, be sureto reset the timer. The Filter warning icon willnot turn off until the filter counter is reset.For details about resetting the timer, refer to“Resetting the Filter Counter” on page 59.Filter counterFilter counterPress the SELECT button to select 7LPHU, andthen use the Point Ÿźbuttons to set the timer.Select from (2II+++) dependingon the use environment.Filter warning icon appears on the screen at a set time(2II/2000H/3000H/4000H).Fig.1 Filter warning icon31RWH• This icon also appears at turning on.• The Filter warning icon (Fig.1) will not appear whenthe Display function is set to 2II (p.46), during)UHH]H(p.25), or 1RVKRZ (p.26).Setting