33&RPSXWHU,QSXW,PDJH$GMXVW0HQX,PDJH$GMXVWPHQW5HVHWPress the MENU button to display the On-Screen0HQX8VHWKH3RLQWŸźEXWWRQVWRVHOHFW,PDJHadjust and then press the Point Źor the SELECTbutton.12 8VHWKH3RLQWŸźEXWWRQVVHOHFWWKHGHVLUHGLWHPand then press the SELECT button to display theadjustment dialog box. Use the Point ŻŹ buttonsto adjust the setting value.31RWH• When White balance5HG, *UHHQ or Blue isadjusted, Color temp. will change to 8VHU.• When %ODFNERDUG *UHHQ or &RORUERDUGis selected in Image select, Color temp. willchange to %ODFNERDUG or &RORUERDUG.Press the Point Ż button to decrease the contrast;press the Point Źbutton to increase the contrast (from0 to 63).Press the Point Ż button to decrease the brightness;press the Point Źbutton to increase the brightness(from 0 to 63).Contrast%ULJKWQHVVPress the Point Ż button to lighten R/G/B tone; pressthe Point Ź button to deepen R/G/B tone (from 0 to 63).:KLWHEDODQFH 5HG*UHHQ%OXHUse the Point ŻŹ buttons to select the desired Colortemp. level (XLow, Low, Mid, or +LJK).Color temp.Use the Point ŻŹ buttons to adjust the gamma valueto obtain a better balance of contrast (from 0 to 15).*DPPDPress the Point Ż button to decrease the sharpnessof the image; press the Point Ź button to increase thesharpness of the image (from 0 to 15).6KDUSQHVVTo reset the adjusted data, select 5HVHWand press theSELECT button. A confirmation box appears and thenselect . All adjustments will return to their previousfigures.Use the Point ŻŹbuttons to adjust thesetting value.Selected Image modeStoreTo store the adjusted data, select Store and press the3RLQWŹRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ8VHWKH3RLQWŸźbuttons to select one from Image 1 to 4 and press theSELECT button.A confirmation box appears and then select . Storeddata can be called up by selecting an ,PDJH in theImage Mode Selection on page 32.A confirmation box appearsand then select .Store3UHVVWKH3RLQWŻŹEXWWRQVWRVHOHFW2IIor On.2II ...... Disabled.On ...... The iris function is activated.,ULV