T2020 Operator's Manual 7enter it. When you have entered all of the digits, press the or key to sendthe call.For example:You wish to call another user on the current channel (REGION 2) with the number37515. The sequence of keystrokes, and the corresponding display characters, " ",would look like this:REGION2 (the current channel)... 12345 (the last number called)... 3 (first digit of the new number)... 37 (2nd digit of the new number)... 375 (3rd digit of the new number)... 3751 (4th digit of the new number)... 37515 (5th digit of the new number)or ... TX (call placed)4 After the call is sent you may hear an acknowledging tone, beep, or series of tonesfrom the other user's radio indicating that your call has been received. If you hearno tone, their radio may not be capable of generating the acknowledging tone, itmay be off or they may be out of range of your call. Your T2020 may beprogrammed to display the status of the called unit as follows:- if no acknowledge sequence was detected after a period of time, the displaywill show "-NO ACK-";- if an acknowledge sequence was detected but no status information wasdecoded, the display will show "NO STAT";- if an acknowledge sequence was detected and the decoded status number canbe identified, the status description will be displayed, e.g. "AT LUNCH";- if an acknowledge sequence was detected and the decoded status numbercannot be identified, the status number will be displayed, e.g. "STAT 09".If any front panel activity is detected before any of the above messages is displayed,the acknowledge sequence is no longer expected and messages will therefore nolonger be displayed.5 When the other user replies, you should take your microphone off its hook and pressthe PTT switch on the side of the microphone when you wish to speak.