Tait Software Licence Agreement 127referred to in Section 7.1 may becontained in a Tait Reseller or TaitDistributor Agreement.7.3. If the Designated Products areTait vehicle-mounted mobile productsor hand-carried portable radioproducts and Licensee transfersownership of the Tait mobile orportable radio products to a third party,Licensee may assign its right to usethe Software which is embedded in orfurnished for use with the radioproducts and the relatedDocumentation; provided thatLicensee transfers all copies of theSoftware and Documentation to thetransferee.7.4. For the avoidance of any doubt,Section 7.3 excludes TaitNetInfrastructure, or the products listed atany time under network products at:http://www.taitradio.com.7.5. If Licensee, as a contractor orsubcontractor (integrator), ispurchasing Tait Designated Productsand licensing Software not for its owninternal use but for end use only by aCustomer, the Licensee may transfersuch Software, but only if a) Licenseetransfers all copies of such Softwareand the related Documentation to thetransferee and b) Licensee has firstobtained from its Customer (and, ifLicensee is acting as a subcontractor,from the interim transferee(s) and fromthe ultimate end user sub license) anenforceable sublicense agreementthat prohibits any other transfer andthat contains restrictions substantiallyidentical to the terms set forth in thisSoftware License Agreement. Exceptas stated in the foregoing, Licenseeand any transferee(s) authorised bythis Section may not otherwisetransfer or make available any TaitSoftware to any third party nor permitany party to do so. Licensee will, onrequest, make available evidencereasonably satisfactory to Taitdemonstrating compliance with all theforegoing.S ECTION 8 TERM ANDTERMINATION8.1. Licensee’s right to use theSoftware and Documentation willcommence when the DesignatedProducts are supplied by Tait toLicensee and will continue for the lifeof the Designated Products with whichor for which the Software andDocumentation are supplied, unlessLicensee breaches this Agreement, inwhich case this Agreement andLicensee's right to use the Softwareand Documentation may beterminated immediately upon notice byTait.8.2. Within thirty (30) days aftertermination of this Agreement,Licensee must certify in writing to Taitthat all copies of the Software havebeen removed or deleted from theDesignated Products and that allcopies of the Software andDocumentation have been returned toTait or destroyed by Licensee and areno longer in use by Licensee.8.3. Licensee acknowledges that Taitmade a considerable investment ofresources in the development,marketing, and distribution of theSoftware and Documentation and thatLicensee's breach of this Agreementwill result in irreparable harm to Tait forwhich monetary damages would beinadequate. If Licensee breaches thisAgreement, Tait may terminate thisAgreement and be entitled to allavailable remedies at law or in equityincluding immediate injunctive reliefand repossession of all non-embedded Software and associatedDocumentation. Licensee shall pay allTait costs (on an indemnity basis) forthe enforcement of the terms of thisAgreement.S ECTION 9 CONFIDENTIALITYLicensee acknowledges that theSoftware and Documentation containproprietary and ConfidentialInformation valuable to Tait and are