3–56 Operator Manual2. This number is for general reference. The precise relationship between the displayed number and physicaldistance is complex and beyond the scope of this manual.3. The control software will prevent selection of a print gap so small that it would pinch the paper so tightly that itwill bind within the mechanism.Operator Menu⇒ Print GapPrint Gap CategoryThis category has the parameters forsetting the different aspects of the printgap mechanism. Use the Arrow andEnter keys to select Menu => OperatorMenu => Print Gap to get here.DetectWhen the enter key is pressed to select this parameter, the platen squeezes againstthe paper at the current paper position. The resulting optimal print gap setting isstored in the current configuration. The platen opens up fully after this opera-tion.AdjustThis is where the print gap may be set, if Mode is set to Manual, or fine-tuned ifMode is set to Auto. The final print gap value may be saved in a configurationassociated with this paper form.Fine-Tuning when Mode is set to AutoThe upper right region of the LCD shows a number1 corresponding to theoptimal print gap determined by the detection process (the gap separatingthe hammer impactors from the platen). The lower right region displays anadjustment offset number associated with fine-tuning. When the operatorpresses the “-” or “+” Print Gap key on the control panel, this number will getsmaller or larger, respectively. The range of allowed change is restricted bythe auto gap firmware. The lower left region of the LCD provides a graphicalindication of the adjustment being made.1. This number is for general reference. The precise relationship between the displayed number and physicaldistance is complex and beyond the scope of this manual.Fine-Tuning the Print Gap ManuallyThe lower right region of the LCD shows a number 2 corresponding to thecurrent gap separating the hammer impactors from the platen. Press the "+"or "-" Print Gap key to roughly match the setting to the kind of paper that isloaded. This number will get larger or smaller respectively. The range ofallowed change is unrestricted over the complete gap range.3 The lower leftregion of the LCD provides a graphical indication of the adjustment beingmade.