Jul 072-28 45 PPM Laser Printer User GuidePCL MenuPCL MenuThe PCL Menu provides access to the PCL settings. Use the following procedure to enter the PCLmenu:1. Press the MENU button on the control panel.2. Press the NEXT button until the text PCL Menu is shown on the second line of the display.3. Press the SELECT button to enter the PCL menu.4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Orientation, Font Source, FontNumber, Pitch, Symbol Set, Macro Filter, Lines Per Page, CR Mode, LF Mode, FFMode, and Print Area.5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu.Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the PCL settings:Submenus Default Setting Available Settings Procedure for Changing SettingOrientationThis submenu allowsyou to choose theorientation of thepage.Portrait PortraitLandscape1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS totoggle between PORTRAITand LANDSCAPE.2. Press SELECT to choose andsave an orientation.Font SourceThis submenu allowsyou to choose a fontsource.Internal InternalDownloaded1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS toscroll through the available fontsources.2. Press SELECT to choose andset a source.Font NumberThis submenu allowsyou to set the fontnumber.0 Dependent on model of printer andoptions installed1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS toincrease or decrease the fontnumber.2. Press SELECT to save thissetting.PitchThis submenu allowsyou to change thepitch of text.10.00 0.08 – 100.00 1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS toincrease or decrease the pitch.2. Press SELECT to save thissetting.