Jul 072-32 45 PPM Laser Printer User GuideSystem MenuSystem MenuThe system menu provides access to system settings. Use the following procedure to enter the sys-tem menu:1. Press the MENU button on the control panel.2. Press the NEXT button until the text System Menu is shown on the second line of the dis-play.3. Press the SELECT button to enter the system menu.4. Press the NEXT button to move through the submenus: Factory Defaults, Display Lan-guage, Power Saver, Wait Timeout, Job Timeout, Jam Recovery, Hex Print, TonerLow, and Intellifilter.5. Press the SELECT button to enter a submenu.Use the procedures in the following table to access and change the system settings:Submenus Default Setting Available Settings Procedure for Changing SettingFactory DefaultsWhen selected, this will reset alloperator settings to the factorydefault values. Non US setsmeasurements to millimeters. USsets the measurements to inches.Dependent onprinter build.U.S.Non-U.S.1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS totoggle between U.S. and NON-U.S.2. Press SELECT to choose and setthe factory defaults.Display LanguageThis submenu allows you to changethe language of the displaymessages.English EnglishFrancais (French)Deutsch (German)Italiano (Italian)Espanol (Spanish)1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS toscroll through the availablelanguages: English, French(Francais), German (Deutsch),Italian (Italiano), or Spanish(Espanol).2. Press SELECT to choose and setthe language.Power SaverThis is the number of minutes of idletime before the printer goes intopower saver mode. In this mode, theprinter will turn off internal motors,fuser heat, and fan.15 1 – 60 1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS toincrease or decrease the digit.2. Press SELECT to save this setting.Wait TimeoutThis submenu allows you to increaseor decrease the length of time (inseconds) that the printer will remainin the waiting state—a job is beingprocessed, no end-of-file has beendetected, and there is no more datato process. This setting applies toboth PCL and PostScript print jobs.00020 0 – 99999 1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS toincrease or decrease each digit ofthe five-digit number.2. Press SELECT set one digit andmove to the next digit.3. Press SELECT after changing thelast digit to save this setting.