Jul 073-26 45 PPM Laser Printer User GuideAccessing the Printer Web PageEmail Address Settings/Email Alert ConditionsYou can configure 1 – 5 destination email addresses. For each of these destination email addressesyou can configure which status conditions will cause an email to be sent. In addition, a resend inter-val can be set for each address, which determines if or how often the email message should beresent, as long as the condition persists.Email Signature SettingsThese are text strings that are appended to the end of the email messages. They can be used to pro-vide helpful hints/reminders to recipients of the status email messages.Job AccountingWeb Page AccessGo to your web browser and type in your printer web address. The printer web page will appear.1. Click on Job Accounting.2. When you enter the Job Accounting field the options appear.3. When you click on Enable/Disable it will take you to the following screen. Click Yes or Noto Enable or Disable Job Accounting.4. When you click on Retrieve Accounting Files it will upload the file information, which isstored in a.CSV file.5. When you click on Display Job Accounting Info it will bring you the following screen whichdisplays all your job information.NOTE: Only products that have real time clock support will provide the Date/Time information.6. When you click on Reset All Job Accounting Info, all printer job information will be deleted.File ManagementWeb Page AccessUsing the printer web page, you can delete, print, or download any job files stored in the job library.Go to your web browser and type in your printer web address. The printer web page will appear asfollows:1. Click on Job Library.2. Click on the folder icon or name to view the printer jobs in the user folders.3. The printer job information will appear. If there is a PIN number associated with the file, youwill be required to enter the correct PIN number to access the print file.