TASCAM CD-A550/CD-A750 45Using the RS-232C connectorBy connecting the RS-232C connector on this unit withan RS-232C connector on a computer, this unit can becontrolled from a computer. Settings related to signals aremade from the menu.1 When in standard display mode, press the MENUkey on the main unit or the remote control to entermenu mode.2 Use the –/+ keys on the main unit or the remote con-trol to show the following menu items related to theRS-232C, and press the ENTER key on the main unitor the remote control.3 Use the –/+ keys on the main unit or the remote con-trol to make settings.4 When finished making settings, press the ENTERkey to return to the standard display.Menu items related to the RS-232CBAUD RATEUse to set the baud rate (signal speed) to 4800, 9600, 19200(default) or 38400 bps.LENGTHUse to set the signal data length to 7 or 8 (default) bits.PARITY BITUse to set the signal parity bit to NON (default), EVEN orODD. “NON” is none.STOP BITUse to set the signal stop bit to 1 (default) or 2.RS-232C settings are retained even if the power is•turned OFF.Please contact TASCAM customer support for infor-•mation about this unit’s RS-232C command protocol.Using the parallel connectorAn external controller using parallel control can controlthis unit through its PARALLEL connector. In addition, tallysignals can be output through the PARALLEL connector,allowing external devices to be operated or indicatortriggers to be sent, for example. This table shows the pinallocation.Pin number Function IN/OUT1 GND –2 TAPE PLAY REV In3 TAPE PLAY FWD In4 TAPE STOP In5 TAPE RECORD In6 TAPE REW In7 TAPE FF In8 TAPE PAUSE In9 TAPE RECORD TALLY Out10 TAPE STOP TALLY Out11 TAPE PAUSE TALLY Out12 TAPE PLAY TALLY Out13 TAPE DIRECTION TALLY Out14 CD PLAY In15 CD STOP In16 CD CALL In17 CD PREVIOUS In18 CD NEXT In19 CD READY In20 CD FADER START In21 CD STOP TALLY Out22 CD READY TALLY Out23 CD PLAY TALLY Out24 CD EOM TALLY Out25 +5V* –In: +5V pull-up, external command reception active whenlow (operates at ground of 30 ms or more)Out: transport status display signal by open collector (15-Vdielectric strength, 35-mA maximum electric current)*50-mA maximum supplied electric currentThe illustration below shows an example of connection toallow playback control of this unit using fader start and stopsignals.9 – Using the control I/O (CD-A750 only)