2 – Features of the CD-RW2000—Connections14 TASCAM CD-RW2000Audio signals output from the unit are output fromthe balanced and unbalanced ANALOG OUT N Qjacks, as well as from the DIGITAL AES/EBU OUTW, DIGITAL COAXIAL OUT jack X and DIGITALOPTICAL OUT connector Y simultaneously.2.4.1 Word sync connectionsIt may be necessary to synchronize the CD-RW2000to an external audio word clock when playing backmaterial. One example when this might be used iswhen the digital outputs of the CD-RW2000 are con-nected to a digital mixing console, which is servingas the word clock source for the setup.In this case, the WORD SYNC OUT of the wordclock master (the digital mixing console) should beconnected to the WORD SYNC IN V of the CD-RW2000.To select the external WORD SYNC IN signal as theCD-RW2000’s clock source:1 With a disc inserted, and the unit in stop mode(playback stopped), repeatedly press the MENUkey (9 or 6) until the display showsWORDSYNC>XXX where XXX is eitherON or OFF.2 Use the MULTI DIAL control B or the SKIPkeys H to set the function to ON.The WORD indicator 7 will light if a validclock source is available, otherwise the displaywill alternate the message Word CLKErr (word clock error) with the time display.If the CD-RW2000 is receiving a word clock syncsignal, and is also acting as the word clock source forany units which receive digital audio from the CD-RW2000 (remember that AES/EBU and IEC60958signals are self-clocking), the 75Ω terminator switchU should be set to OFF.NOTEEntering record ready mode (or record mode) withthe word sync enabled will disable the word sync.The front panel WORD indicator 7 will go out.If the CD-RW2000 is the last unit in the word clockchain, the 75Ω terminator switch U should be set toON.NOTEThere should be one, and only one, word clock source in adigital audio setup. Multiple word clocks in a setup mayresult in damage to equipment.2.4.2 Control connectionsThe pinouts of this connector T are:Tally signals are open collector, with a maximumcurrent of 50 mA. Input signals are active when low(ground) for ≥ 30 ms.A fader start/stop control should be wired accordingto the following schematic:Pin Function1 STOP TALLY OUT2 REC/PLAY TALLY OUT3 SKIP (forward) IN4 SKIP (back) IN5 REC-PAUSE TALLY OUT6 REC IN7 Track increment IN8 GND9 PLAY TALLY OUT10 PAUSE TALLY OUT11 FADER START/STOP12 STOP IN13 PLAY IN14 PAUSE IN15 +5Vaa.The maximum current supplied from this terminal is50 mA.Pin 8 GroundPin 11 FADERSTART/STOPSTOPSTARTCONTROL I/O