4 – Recording—Advanced recording20 TASCAM CD-RW2000When in record or record ready mode, repeatedpresses of the DISPLAY key (A or 5) cyclebetween displaying the remaining time left forrecording on the disc (TOTAL REMAIN) and the elapsedtime of the track currently being recorded (no indica-tor lit).When playback is stopped at the start of a recordabledisc, there are only two options available: TOTAL (thetotal time recorded so far on the disc) and TOTALREMAIN (the total time available on the disc for furtherrecording).4.2.3 Manual track divisionIt is possible to divide the recording into tracks “onthe fly” while recording.There are three options available for track division:automatic division triggered by the subcode whenmaking a digital recording, track divisions triggeredby a rise in sound level, and manual settings.To make manual track divisions, while recording istaking place, press the RECORD key (J or D) . Thecurrent track number is incremented by one.For details of automatic track division while record-ing, see 4.3.2, “Automatic track division”.NOTEAccording to the “Red Book” (the specification foraudio CDs), a track cannot be less than four secondsin length, and there can be a maximum of 99 trackson an audio CD. Bear these limitations in mind whenadding track divisions.4.2.4 Restricting the number of tracksWhen making a recording using the CD-RW2000, itis possible to restrict the number of tracks that maybe recorded at one time. This applies whether thetracks are being divided manually, as describedabove (4.2.3, “Manual track division”) or beingdivided automatically (4.3.2, “Automatic track divi-sion”).At any time within record or record ready mode, turnthe MULTI DIAL control B or use the SKIP keys H.This sets the number of remaining tracks, as shownto the right of the time display. The maximum num-ber here is limited by the standard limit of 99 tracks,and the number of tracks currently recorded.Every time a track division is made, the numbershown at the right of the display goes down by one.When the number shown is 1, and a track division ismade, the display shows PMA Writing andthe unit enters stop mode.The number of remaining tracks can be changed dur-ing recording using the MULTI DIAL control.4.2.5 Full discIf recording a long program, and the number oftracks has not been restricted, when there is no spaceremaining on the disc for recording, as shown by thetime display (see 4.2.2, “Time display while record-ing”), just before the end of the disc is reached, theunit starts a fade-out over a few seconds (the displayshows FADE OUT).When the fade-out has finished, the display showsDisc Full!! for a few seconds, and the unitthen goes into stop mode (the display shows PMAWriting).If the disc is a CD-RW, the final track can be erased,if required (see 5.2.1, “Erasing tracks”) and the discthen finalized. If the disc is a CD-R, it must be final-ized prior to use (see 5.1, “Finalizing”).4.3 Advanced recordingThese sections cover more advanced recordingtechniques.4.3.1 Synchronized recordingSynchronized recording means that recording willbegin automatically when a signal is received, andwill stop when the signal ends.To enable or disable synchronized recording:1 A recordable disc must be loaded.2 With the unit in record ready or record mode,press the SYNC REC key (Kor E).The display shows SYNC ON briefly, andthen changes to the track and time display.When synchronized recording is enabled, theSYNC indicator lights in the display.The SYNC REC key is also used to turn off syn-chronized recording (the display briefly showsSYNC OFF and then returns to the trackand time display).The signal level which may be used with synchro-nized recording operations as well as some playbackoperations (3.6, “Auto Cue function”) here called the“trigger level” or “threshold”, is set as below:1 With a recordable disc loaded, press the MENUkey (9 or 6) until the display shows:S_LVL> xxdB, where xx is the currentvalue.