IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS TASCAM CD-VT2Other functionsAUTO (chromatic tuner)In this ordinary mode, you can tune an instrument whilelooking at the tuning meter on the screen. The tuning meterand input signal pitch appear on the screen (see the precedingfigure). (“---” appears when there is no input).1 Connect a mic to either of the MIC IN jacks and playthe instrument that you want to tune into the mic.The pitch closest to the frequency of the played noteappears at the top of the meter.2 Tune the instrument until the desired pitch name isshown and the center of the meter is highlighted. Abar appears to the left if the tuning is too low and abar appears to the right if it is too high. The longer thebar is the more out of tune the string is.NOTEUse the CURSOR ¶ key to select CALIB. See theexplanation in the OSC. section. This setting effectsboth tuner modes.OSC. (oscillator mode)The built-in oscillator can output a sine wave of a pitch in thethree octaves between C4 and B6 through the PHONES andLINE OUT jacks. The oscillator mode has the following foursetting items. Use the CURSOR (§, ¶) keys to select the itemsand the VALUE (+, –) keys to change their settings.NOTESet the output pitch (C4–B6).OUTSet whether or not the oscillator sound is output from thePHONES and LINE OUT jacks. When ON, an image of avibrating pitchfork appears on screen.LEVELAdjust the output sound level between 0 and 100 with theVALUE (–, +) keys.CALIBSet the standard frequency of middle A between 435 Hz and445 Hz. This setting also affects the AUTO tuner modes.