44 TASCAM SS-CDR250N / SS-R250N5 – Working with Folders and Files (BROWSE screen)File operationsSelect the desired audio file on the BROWSE screen and press theMULTI JOG dial to open the pop-up file menu.Turn the MULTI JOG dial to select the desired operation, andpress the MULTI JOG dial to execute it as follows.NOTEi When using an SD card or USB flash drive, all the functions inthe folder menu can be executed. When using a CD, some ofthe functions cannot be executed.i When a protected SD card is loaded in the unit, the RENAME,DELETE, ASSIGN to PLAYLIST and COPY items cannot beused. (See “SD card write-protection switches” on page 28.)SELECTSet the selected file as the current track.RENAMEOpen the RENAME screen where you can edit the name of theselected file. (See “Editing folder and file names” on page 45.),(See “Editing CD-TEXT(CD-R/CD-RW discs only)” on page 49.)DELETEDelete the selected file. (See “Deleting folders and files” on page45.)UNDOImmediately after deleting a folder or file, you can undo the de-letion. (See “Deleting folders and files” on page 45.)COPYCopy the selected file to a different folder. (See “Copying foldersand files” on page 47.)MOVEMove the selected file. (See “Moving folders and files” on page48.)ASSIGN to PLAYLISTAssign the selected file to the current playlist at the desired posi-tion. (See “Assigning files to a playlist” on page 46.)SORT BY TIMEReorder the files in the folder shown by creation date.NOTEReordering is not possible when using a CD.SORT BY NAMEReorder the files in the folder shown by file name.NOTEReordering is not possible when using a CD.INFOInformation about the selected file (including file format andsampling frequency) is shown in a pop-up.CANCELClose the file menu.NOTEThe following operations are only possible when the PLAYMODE is set to CONTINUE.• RENAME, DELETE, UNDO, COPY, MOVE, SORT BY TIME,SORT BY NAME