3 Connections12 TASCAM X-9 Owner’s ManualExternal effects unitUse the SEND andRETURN 1/4” jacks toconnect any externaleffects unit. For fulldetails of connection and use of an external unit, see“External effects” on page 13Headphones (connecting and using)Connect a standard pair of stereo head-phones to the stereo 1/4” jack on the topor at the front of the X-9. These twojacks output the same signals and arecontrolled by the same controls.Use the headphone PHONESLEVEL control to adjust the vol-ume of the signal from the head-phones.There are four EQ settings, whichcan be made using the menu sys-tem (menu 01HP)—see “Menureference” on page 17. These settings boost either thelow or the high part of the frequency range, or both.The fourth setting is a “normal” setting—no cut orboost.The balance between the cue mix (see “Cue (pre-viewing sounds)” on page 16) and the master cuemix in the headphones is set using the upperPHONES control. Turn counterclockwise for cue sig-nals (CUE) and clockwise for main master cue mix(MST).In addition, the headphone output can be in stereooutputs or set so that the left headphone outputs thecue signal (in mono, of course) and the right head-phone outputs the master main signal (in mono).Use the STEREO (the indicator is unlit)/MONOSPLIT (indicator is lit) key to change between thesetwo modes.In the MONO SPLIT mode, the cue signal is outputfrom the left headphone, and the master cue signalfrom the right headphone. Use the CUE/MST controlto adjust the relative levels.Fader start/stop connectionsThe four mono mini-jacks (3.5 mm)are connected so that the tip feeds afader start, and the sleeve feeds a faderstop.The ground for these connections isprovided by the signal ground of the device to whichthe fader start is made.NOTEEven if the device is connected digitally to the X-9 (suchas a CD or MD player) for the audio connection, an ana-log connection must also be made to provide theground for the fader start.Note that the fader start control refers to the programnumber—see “About programs” on page 14 (not thedevice number).To activate fader start/stop for individual programs,follow the instructions in “Fader start” on page 21.To activate fader start/stop for the devices assigned tothe cross-fader signals, follow the instructions in“Cross-fader start” on page 22.FootswitchesYou can connect one or two(optional) footswitches, such asthe TASCAM RC-30P model, tothe X-9’s FOOT SW jacks.These footswitches can be used for a variety of pur-poses, such as sampler control, effect on and off, etc.Use the menu item (08Ft) (“Menu reference” onpage 17) for full details of how these switches can beset up.