Service and Repair Manual October 2019Control System Fault Codes114 S® -80 XC ™ • S® -85 XC ™ • S®-80 HF • S®-85 HF Part No. 1280490GTID Component ID Name Cause Effect Solution24 Pri BoomAngle13 NotdetectedNo CAN messageshave been receivedby the TCON fromthe Angle Sensor.Machine limited torecovery functions* Verify sensor power P85PWR (GR,TCON J6-7) is at 12 V while thesystem is running.* Verify the sensor is receiving power.Unplug the sensor and verify 12 Vacross pins 2 (+) and 1 (-) on theharness connector.* Verify the CAN bus wiring. With thesensor still unplugged, measureresistance across harness connectorpins 3 and 4. If resistance is notbetween 55 and 65 ohms, check CANwire harnesses.* Replace sensor if necessary.14 CrosscheckfailedBoom stowedcrosscheck switchvalue not asexpected*Verify that with the boom stowedC68LS (BL, TCON J7-3) is 12V andthat the boom is making contact withthe LST3S limit switch arm.*Verify that with the boom above 12degrees C68LS (BL, TCON J7-3) is0V and that the boom is not makingcontact with the LST3S limit switcharm.*Check LST3S limit switch for physicaldamage.17 NotcalibratedSensor has beenreplaced andrequires calibration,or calibration inmemory has beenerased.Run the boom angle calibrationprocess and verify fault is no longeractive.19 Value outofexpectedrangeMin or max boomangle out ofexpected range.Machine limited torecovery functions* Calibrate boom angle snesor.* Check boom angle sensor mount,ensure all fasteners are tightened tospec.* Replace sensor if issue persists.25 Cabletension21 Fault Boom cable tensionlimit switch LSB2Sindicates that thetension is loose onthe boom cables.Boom Up and Extendfunctions will notoperate.* Return boom to stowed position asquickly as possible.* Verify both boom cables are properlytensioned and that LST3S is properlycentered in the bracket.* Verify LSB2S (C59CNK, BL/WH,TCON J7-5) operates properly. Signalshould normally by 12 V. If cabletension is loose, signal should be 0 V.