October 2019 Service and Repair ManualControl System Fault CodesPart No. 1280490GT S® -80 XC ™ • S® -85 XC ™ • S®-80 HF • S®-85 HF 119ID Component ID Name Cause Effect Solution61 SteerJoystick11 ShortedtosupplyvoltageCircuit C159STD orC159STA is above4.5 V.Drive and steerfunctions will notoperate.* Leave joystick in neutral position andcycle power.* If fault persists, identify which circuitis the steer circuit. Check C159STA(BL/WH, PCON J18-11) for a joysticksteer option. Check C159STD (BL/RD,PCON J18-9) for the rocker joysticksteer option. With a voltmeter checkthat the circuit is at 2. 5V +/- 0.2 V atstartup and does not go above 4.5 V orbelow 0.5 V when fully stroked in eachdirection.* Replace joystick if voltage checkfails.27 ActiveatstartupCircuit C159STD orC159STA voltagewas not within thestartup voltagerange of 2.5 V +/-0.2 V.62 ProxOverrideTogggleSwitch27 ActiveatstartupToggle switch inputwas detected asHIGH at start-up.The Jib Up or Downfunctions will notoperate.*Verify with a voltmeter that the JibUp/Down Toggle Switch (TS8) isoperating properly.* C43JU (BL, PCON J17-6) should be0 V with the switch OFF and 12 V withthe switch held in the UP position.* C44JD (BL/BK, PCON J17-8) shouldbe 0 V with the switch OFF and 12 Vwith the switch held in the DOWNposition.Cycle power to allow the machine tore-test the fault.68 GroundFunctionEnableButton27 ActiveatstartupButton was held atsystem start, or isshorted on theground controlpanel.The functionassociated with thestuck button will notoperate.* Release the ground control buttonsand cycle power. * If problem persists,open ground control box and open theDisplay Controller access door, beingcareful to keep water out. Verify theribbon cables are properly seated anddry.* Re-seat and/or replace ribbon cablesif necessary.* Replace ground control overlay.