Service and Repair Manual December 2018Platform Controls16 Z®-60/37 DC • Z®-60/37 FE Part No. 1271125GTHow to Adj ust the Joystic k Thr eshol d SettingHow to Adjust the ThresholdSettingThe threshold setting is the minimum output currentat which a function proportional valve can open andallow the function to operate. There are two typesthreshold currents to adjust:Joystick controlled functions - Primary Up/Down,Secondary Up/Down and Turntable Rotate.Switch controlled functions - PrimaryExtend/Retract, Platform Rotate, Jib Up/Down andJib Rotate.The boom functions threshold current should beoperating at near zero speed smoothly with novibrations.Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in thestowed position. Refer to Navigation Menus,Settings Menu.1 Turn the key switch to platform control. Do notstart the engine (if equipped).2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the'ON' position at both the ground and platformcontrols.3 Do not press down the foot switch.4 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switchin the right direction while holding steer in theright direction.5 When the display leaves SYSTEM READYmode, release the drive enable toggle switchand steer joystick.Result: The display will show FAULTS.6 Momentarily activate steer in the right directionuntil SETTINGS is shown on the display.7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggleswitch in the right direction until VALVE ANDSENSOR SETTINGS is shown on the display.8 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggleswitch in the right direction until CALIBRATETILT SENSOR is shown on the display.9 Momentarily activate steer in the right directionuntil VALVE THRESHOLD CURRENT isshown on the display.Joystick Controlled Functions:10 Press down on the foot switch and slowlydeflect the joystick to be adjusted until thevalve is operating at the desired thresholdcurrent.Result: The display will indicate the thresholdcurrent parameter in milliamps while operatingthe function.11 While operating the function and the function isbarely moving, momentarily activate the driveenable toggle switch in the right direction tosave the desired value.Result: The alarm will sound indicating thesetting has been saved. Release the footswitch. Continue to the next threshold currentadjustment.Switch Controlled Functions:12 Perform steps 1 through 9 to enter the submenu THRESHOLD CURRENT on thedisplay.13 Momentarily activate the speed select toggleswitch in either direction until the bar graph isat about 50% on the display.