December 2018 Service and Repair ManualPlatform ControlsPart No. 1271125GT Z®-60/37 DC • Z®-60/37 FE 2113 Momentarily activate drive enable switch rightto save the value.Result: The alarm will sound indicating thesetting has been saved. Continue to the nextdesired Ramp time adjustment.Ramp Rate (factory settings)Primary boom up/downramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)2 seconds0.6 secondSecondary boom up/downramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)1.5 second0.5 secondTurntable rotateramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)1.85 seconds1.25 secondsExtend/Retractramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)2 seconds0.4 secondJib up/downramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)1 second0.4 secondPlatform rotateramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)0.3 second0.75 secondPropelramp accelerate (up)ramp decelerate (down)5 seconds3 seconds1-2How to Calibrate Booms AngleSensorsBoom angle sensors are installed on the primaryand secondary boom sections. They are used todetect whether the boom sections are stowed or notstowed. A two point calibration procedure capturesthe signal with the cylinder fully extended and fullyretracted to an angle measurement that is scaled todegrees within the program. If either angle sensor isin the uncalibrated state, drive speed is limited toout-of-stowed speed.Note: Start this procedure with the boom in astowed position. Position the machine in a suitablelocation with sufficient vertical space. Refer toNavigation Menus, Settings Menu.1 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to theon position at both the ground and platformcontrols.2 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switchin the right direction while holding steer in theright direction.3 When the display leaves SYSTEM READYmode, release the drive enable toggle switchand the steer joystick.Result: The display will show FAULTS.4 Momentarily activate steer in the right directionuntil SETTINGS is shown on the display.5 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggleswitch in the right direction until you see theVALVE AND SENSOR SETTINGS screen.6 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggleswitch in the right direction until you see theCALIBRATE TILT SENSOR screen.