December 2018 Service and Repair ManualPlatform ComponentsPart No. 1271125GT Z®-60/37 DC • Z®-60/37 FE 232-1Platform Leveling CylinderThe slave cylinder and the rotator pivot are the twoprimary supports for the platform. The slavecylinder keeps the platform level through the entirerange of boom motion. It operates in a closed-circuithydraulic loop with the master cylinder. The slavecylinder is equipped with counterbalance valves toprevent movement in the event of a hydraulic linefailure.How to Remove the PlatformLeveling CylinderNote: Before cylinder removal is considered, bleedthe slave cylinder to be sure there is no air in theclosed loop.Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hoseend must be replaced. All connections must betorqued to specification during installation. Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.1 Extend the primary boom until the slavecylinder barrel-end pivot pin is accessible.2 Raise the jib boom slightly and place blocksunder the platform for support.3 Lower the jib boom until the platform is restingon the blocks just enough to support theplatform.Note: Do not rest the entire weight of the jib boomon the blocks.4 Tag, disconnect and cap the hydraulic hosesfrom the slave cylinder. Plug the union hosesfrom the master cylinder together using aconnector.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.5 Remove the pin retaining fastener from theslave cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Do notremove the pin.6 Remove the external snap rings from the slavecylinder barrel-end pivot pin. Do not removethe pin.7 Place a block under the slave cylinder forsupport. Protect the cylinder rod from damage.8 Use a soft metal drift to drive the rod-end pivotpin out.Crushing hazard. The platformcould fall when the slave cylinderrod-end pivot pin is removed ifnot properly supported.Component damage hazard. Theslave cylinder rod may becomedamaged if it is allowed to fall ifnot properly supported by thelifting device.9 Use a soft metal drift and drive the barrel-endpin out.10 Carefully pull the cylinder out of the primaryboom.How to Bleed the PlatformLeveling Cylinder1 Simultaneously activate the primary boom upfunction and the platform level up function untilthe boom is fully raised.2 Simultaneously activate the primary boomdown function and the platform level downfunction until the boom is fully lowered.