December 2018 Service and Repair ManualControl System Fault CodesPart No. 1271125GT Z®-60/37 DC • Z®-60/37 FE 77Control System Fault CodesError Source Error TypeID Component ID Name Cause Effect Solution81WALL POWEREDCHARGER ERRORCODES17 USB errorThere has been a problemmounting or unmounting theUSB Flash Drive.· Remove and re-insertthe USB Drive· If the condition persiststhen remove AC andbattery for minimum30 seconds and retrycharger18 Slot CRC error The software update failed.Ensure the USB FlashDrive is properlyformatted and retry theupdate by reinsertingthe USB Flash Driveinto the charger.19 Hardware build does notsupport software versionThe charger hardware does notsupport the new softwareversion trying to beprogrammed. Existing SW is leftrunning.Contact ProductSupport20 No active algorithmselectedThere is no active charge profileselected. Select a charge profile.21 High battery voltage errordetected while chargingBattery voltage is too high asdetected by the algorithm.Check the batteryvoltage and cableconnections. (This errorwill automatically clearonce the condition hasbeen corrected.)22 Low battery voltage errordetected while chargingBattery voltage is too low asdetected by the algorithm.Check the batteryvoltage and cableconnections. (This errorwill automatically clearonce the condition hasbeen corrected.)23 High AC voltage error(>270VAC) AC voltage is too high.Connect charger to anAC source that providesstable AC between 85 -270 VAC / 45-65 Hz.(This error willautomatically clear oncethe condition has beencorrected.)24 Failure to initialize The charger has failed to turnon properly.Disconnect AC inputand battery for30 seconds beforeretrying.