- 33 - © 2018 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.MS652 User’s Manual3.2.25.1 Set Lengths for Code 128The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readablecharacters), including check digit(s) the code contains. Set lengths for Code128 to any length, one or two discrete lengths, or lengths within a specificrange. The default is Any Length.Note: When setting lengths, enter a leading zero for single digit numbers.Scan one of the following bar codes to select a length option:• One Discrete Length - Decode only Code 128 symbols containing aselected length. Select the length using the barcodes in Appendix B, Numeric Bar Codes. Forexample, to decode only Code 128 symbols with 14characters, scan Code 128 - One Discrete Length,and then scan 1, 4. To correct an error or change theselection, scan Cancel.• Two Discrete Lengths - Decode only Code 128 symbols containing either oftwo lengths. Select lengths using the bar codes inAppendix B, Numeric Bar Codes. For example, todecode only Code 128 symbols containing either 2or 14 characters, scan Code 128 - Two DiscreteLengths, and then scan 0, 2, 1, 4. To correct anerror or change the selection, scan Cancel.• Length Within Range - Decode Code 128 symbols with a specific lengthrange. Select lengths using the bar codes inAppendix B, Numeric Bar Codes. For example, todecode Code 128 symbols containing between 4and 12 characters, scan Code 128 - Length WithinRange, and then scan 0, 4, 1, 2. To correct an erroror change the selection, scan Cancel.• Any Length - Decode Code 128 symbols containing any number ofcharacters within the engine’s capability.