arfiff08 power generation VACON® • 49Local contacts: System busTable 34.System bus fault parametersCode Parameter Min Max Unit Default ID DescriptionP2.7.6.1 HeartbtFltDelay 0,000 65,00 s 3,000 1600 If a slave does not receive aheartbeat signal from themaster, it will lock to its currentDC reference and trip after thisdelay.P2.7.6.2 CommFaultDelay 0,00 65,00 s 3,000 1601 Trip delay from communicationproblems with systembus optionboard.5.7.7 Auto resetTable 35.Automatic reset parametersCode Parameter Min Max Unit Default ID DescriptionP2.7.7.1 Wait Time 0,10 10,00 s 0,50 717 This parameter defines the timeto wait after a fault trigger hasdisappeared. When the time haselapsed, the Inverter tries toautomatically restartmodulation.P2.7.7.2 Trial Time 0,00 60,00 s 30,00 718 If the fault trigger appears moreoften than defined byparameters P2.7.7.3 to P2.7.7.7inside the trial timeP2.7.7.3 Overvolt. Tries 0 10 10 721 This parameter determines howmany automatic restarts can bemade during the trial time set byparameter P2.7.7.2. after anovervoltage trip.0 = No automatic restart afterovervoltage fault trip.>0 = Number of automaticrestarts after overvoltage faulttrip. The fault is reset and theinverter is started automaticallyafter the DC-link voltage hasreturned to the normal level.P2.7.7.4 Overcurr. Tries 0 3 3 722 NOTE! IGBT temp fault alsoincluded.This parameter determines howmany automatics restarts can bemade during the trial time set byP2. = No automatic restart afterovercurrent fault trip>0 = Number of automaticrestarts after overcurrent tripand IGBT temperature faults.P2.7.7.5 Ext.Trip Tries 0 10 0 725 This parameter determines howmany automatics restarts can bemade during the trial time set byP2. = No automatic restart afterExternal fault trip>0 = Number of automaticrestarts after External trip.