lonworks interface vacon • 1924-hour service: +358-40-8371 150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com66.2 Input Network VariablesFunction Variable Name SNVT type Min.ValueMax.ValueNode Object request nviRequest SNVT_obj_requestDriver speed setpoint nviDrvSpeedStpt SNVT_switch n/a n/aDriver set point speedscalingnviDrvSpeedScale SNVT_lev_percent -163.840% 163.830%Reset fault nviRstFault SNVT_switch n/a n/aClear kWh trip or Drivetotal running hourstrip countersnviClrCntr SNVT_switch 1 2Process In Data nviProcessIn1..8 SNVT_lev_percent 0 65535Digital Inputs nviDigitalIn1..8 SNVT_switch 0 4Parameter Set nviParCmd SNVT_preset n/a n/aTable 6-1. Network input variablesnviRequestThis input network variable provides the mechanism to request a particular mode for the Node objector the Variable Speed Motor Drive object within a node. Supported requests are RQ_NORMAL,RQ_UPDATE_STATUS, RQ_CLEAR_STATUS, RQ_REPORT_MASK, RQ_DISABLED, RQ_ENABLE andRQ_CLEAR_ALARM.nviDrvSpeedStptThis input network variable provides control and a low resolution speed setpointstate value command0 NA Stop1 0 0%1 1 to 200 0.5 to 100%1 201 to 255 100.0%0xFF NA AutoTable 6-2.nviDrvSpeedScaleThis input netork variable provides scaling fornviDrvSpeedStpt. Negative values indicate a motordirection in reverse. For example, if thenviDrvSpeedStpt value is 50% andnviDrvSpeedScale -150%,then the actual speed setpoint is –75%, or 0.75 times the nominal speed in reverse direction. The validrange is –163,840% to 163,830. The value0x7FFF (+163,835%) will be handled as an invalid value.Default value is determined bynciDrvSpeedScale. This value will be adopted at power-up and in caseof not receiving an update within the specified Receive Heartbeat time.Archived Document