general vacon • 324-hour service: +358-40-8371 150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com11. GENERALVacon NX frequency converters can be connected to the LonWorks® network using a fieldbus board.The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system.The LonWorks® board shall be installed in slot E on the control board of the frequency converter.L ON WORKS technology has been developed by Echelon Corporation. LON WORKS network is used inapplications like industry and building automation, controlling household electronics, medicalinstrumentation and many others. The target of the LON WORKS network is to provide a commonvendor independent communication network for intelligent devices.In a L ON WORKS network, no central control or master-slave architecture is needed. Nodes on anetwork communicate with each other using LonTalk® protocol. Interoperable nodes use StandardNetwork Variable Types (SNVT) for communicating over the network. The definition of an SNVTincludes units, a range, and an increment. Vacon option board uses only Standard Network VariableTypes for the data types.All network variables are either input (data is coming from the network to the device) or output (datais sent to the network by the device) network variables. When network variables on different nodes onthe network have been bound together by an installation tool, passing of data is automatic betweenthe right nodes. Only the same type of network variables can be bound together, so it is veryimportant to have compatible interfaces.WARNING!Internal components and circuit boards are at high potential when the frequencyconverter is connected to the power source. This voltage is extremely dangerousand may cause death or severe injury if you come into contact with it.Archived Document