4vacon • 16 OPTBJ board layoutLocal contacts: https://www.danfoss.com/en/contact-us/contacts-list/4.2 OPTBJ board jumpersThere are two pin headers for jumpers on the OPTBJ option board. The jumper settings are de-scribed below:Figure 3. OPTBJ board jumpersTo activate the OPTBJ board, you must take the three-pin jumper from the drive control board andplace it to the OPTBJ board jumper X10. See the next chapter for more information.NOTE! If there are problems with the jumpers, see chapter 7.1!Jumper X23, short circuit supervision3039A_ukJumper X10, STO board activationSTO board activated. Jumper hasto be placed here when OPTBJ isinstalled in the drive. Take thejumper from the control board.Short circuit supervision ONShort circuit supervision OFFSTO board not activated= Factory default