5vacon • 28 STO and SS1 safety functionsLocal contacts: https://www.danfoss.com/en/contact-us/contacts-list/Safe Stop (SS1) safety-related dataNOTE! The following chapter is only an informative example of combining products.The SS1 safety function consists of two subsystems with different safety-related data.The subsys-tem consisting of the time delayed safety relay is manufactured, for example, by PHOENIX CON-TACT. The following types are available from this manufacturer:• PSR-SCP-24DC/ESD/5X1/1X2/300 or• PSR-SPP-24DC/ESD/5X1/1X2/300See manufacturer user manual for more information regarding the time delayed safety relay.PSR-SC/PP-24DC/ESD/5X1/1X2/300 safety-related data from user manual and certificate: VACON ® 100 STO safety-related data (MR4-MR10):SubsystemSafetyRelay SubsystemVACON100STOSafe Stop 1 (SS1) safety-related data:When the two subsystems are combined, the maximum safety integrity level or performance level reached isthe level of the lower subsystem.• SIL 2 and PL dThe PFH value for a safety function of combined subsystems is the sum of all subsystems PFH values.PFH SS1 = PFH Safety Relay + PFHVACON100 STO = 1.89•10 -9 /hour + 4.12•10 -10 /hour = 2.31•10 -9 /hour• The result is within the requirements for SIL 2 and PL d.IEC 61 508 SIL 2+EN 61800-5-2 SIL 3EN 62061 SIL CL 2 EN 62061 SIL CL 3DIN EN/ISO 13849-1 PL dCategory 3 IEC 61508 SIL 3PFH 1.89•10-9 /hourDIN EN/ISO 13849-1 PL eCategory 3PFH 4.12•10-10 /hourEN 61800-5-2 SIL 2EN 62061 SIL CL 2IEC 61508 SIL 2DIN EN/ISO 13849-1 PL dCategory 3PFH 2.31•10-9 /hour