Commissioning vacon • 33Local contacts: 2: OPTBJ board with reset for Safe Torque Off or EN 60204-1 stop category 0.The figure above presents a connection example of OPTBJ board for STO safety function with reset.The switch S1 is connected with 4 wires to the OPTBJ board as shown above. The digital input 3(DIN3), for example, is wired for the fault reset function. The reset function (not part of any safetyfunction) can be programmed to any of the available digital inputs.To prevent starting the motor without reset, STO fault action has to be parameterized as "Fault".See application manual for related parameters.When the switch S1 is activated (contacts open), the drive goes to STO state and motor (if running)stops by coasting. The drive indicates: "30 SafeTorqueOff".To start the motor operation again, the following sequence is performed.• Release the switch S1 (contacts closed). The hardware is now enabled but the drive continues to dis-play the fault "30 SafeTorqueOff".• Acknowledge the releasing of switch by edge sensitive reset function. The drive returns to the readystate.• Giving a valid start command starts running the motor.NOTE! According to EN 60204-1 (Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines), the re-setting of the emergency stop request (e.g. releasing of emergency stop button) must not restartthe drive.NOTE! The VACON® 100 default application software uses edge-sensitive start as a default startcommand. With the edge-sensitive start command, disactivating the STO does not cause immediatestart.NOTE! For EN 60204-1 emergency stop according to stop category 0, use the emergency stop but-ton.F1123456L1 L2MAIN CIRCUITL3PEPEL1 L2 L3U V WPE27PEPEPEW1M1M3 ~U11V1 W12PER1SPEED REFERENCESCCWCWW12 1sh 1r 2sh 2p 2sBasic I/O1+10Vref12AI1+23AI13OPTBJSLOT E1STO1+2STO1S1 1112W10 1r 2r1b 2bS6START13144AI2+45AI25624Vout67GND73STO2+4STO22122S7STOP1112S8RESET13148DI189DI2910DI31011CM1125RO1 C26RO1 NO28TI1+1224Vout1213GND1314DI41415DI515X23OFF29TI116DI61617CM1718AO1+1819AO/GND1930+24Vin20PE+24V0VSafe torque offARS485BRS48521 22Short circuit and earthfault protected supplyX10Installed3045B_UKAO1RS485UUUON OFFIII AI2AI1ON OFF DGND