6vacon • 34 CommissioningLocal contacts: https://www.danfoss.com/en/contact-us/contacts-list/Example 3: OPTBJ board with SS1 and safety reset or EN 60204-1 stop category 1.The figure above presents a connection example of OPTBJ board for SS1 safety function with ex-ternal safety relay module and with safety reset.The external safety relay module is connected to the switch S1. The used power supply to switch S1is 230 VAC as an example. The safety relay module is connected to OPTBJ board with 4 wires asshown in Figure above.To configure the drive to perform the fast deceleration with a ramp, it is recommended to use QuickStop -function that is activated by digital input, for example DI6 as in Example 3 above. See the ap-plication manual for correct parametrization of Quick Stop -function.When the switch S1 is activated (contacts open), the drive starts ramping down the output frequencyuntil the delay of the safety relay has passed. After safety relay time delay, the drive goes to STOstate. If the motor is still running, it stops by coasting. If STO fault action is parameterized as"Alarm", the drive indicates: "30 Safe torque off". Regardless of the parameterization, activation ofSTO function causes a coasting stop for motor.To allow the returning of the drive to ready state after S1 is deactivated (contacts closed) and safetyrelay is resetted, STO Fault action needs to be parameterized as "Alarm". If STO Fault action is pa-rameterized as "Fault", also the drive needs to be reset to allow ready state. See application manualfor related parameters.To start the motor operation again, following sequence is performed.• Release the switch S1 (contacts closed). The hardware is now enabled and the drive returns to readystate. An alarm indication for STO actiavation is displayed if STO Fault action is parameterized as"Alarm".• Acknowledge the releasing of switch by resetting the safety relay. The drive returns to the ready state.• Giving a valid start command starts running the motorF1123456L1 L2MAIN CIRCUITL3PEPEL1 L2 L3U V WPE27PEPEPEW1M1M3 ~U11V1 W12PER1SPEED REFERENCESCCWCWW12 1sh 1r 2sh 2p 2sBasic I/O1+10Vref12AI1+23AI13OPTBJSLOT E1STO1+2STO1S6START13144AI2+45AI25624Vout67GND73STO2+4STO2S7STOP11128DI189DI2910DI31011CM1125RO1 C26RO1 NO28TI1+1224Vout1213GND1314DI41415DI515X2329TI116DI61617CM1718AO1+1819AO/GND1930+24Vin20PEOFFARS485BRS48521 22X10InstalledPEShort circuit and earthfault protected supply0VPEPEA10W3 1r 2r5758+24V6768PE131423243334414224VDCA1A20VDC+S10S1 1112S11 S12 S212122PHOENIX CONTACTS22 S33PSRSCP24DC/ESD/5X1/1X2/300RESETS34 S35Bridge between S33/S35 for automatic reset.(Not allowed with emergency stop)RS1RS2RS1RS2RAMP STOP3046A_UKAO1RS485UUUON OFFIII AI2AI1ON OFF DGND