155Climate controlPicture no: 17670j.tifManual air recirculation modeThe air recirculation system prevents theentry of outside air and the air in thepassenger compartment is circulated.Press button 4, control indicator inbutton.The exchange of fresh air is reduced in airrecirculation mode. The quality of thepassenger compartment air deteriorateswhich may cause the vehicle occupants tofeel drowsy. In operation without coolingthe air humidity increases, so the windowsmay mist up. Consequently, manual airrecirculation should only be run for shortperiods of time.To deactivate manual air recirculation:Press button 4 again. The controlindicator in the button goes off.Picture no: 17671j.tifVentilationz For maximum ventilation in head area:set air distribution switch to M and openall vents,z for ventilation to foot well: Set airdistribution switch to K,z for simultaneous ventilation to the headarea and the foot well: set air distributionswitch to L,z set desired temperature,z set fan switch to A. The fan can also bemanually set: Set the rotary switch toposition 1 - 4. Intermediate settings arealso possible.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com