79Keys, doors, bonnetUsing the universal radio control systemWith the ignition on, press the requireduniversal radio control button, and thecontrol indicator in the mirror housing willilluminate. The pre-programmed systemcan now be operated using the universalradio control system.Reprogramming individualbutton settingsIf a button that has already beenprogrammed is to be used for a differentsystem, repeat steps 3 to 5 of the basicprogramming procedure describedpreviously.Clearing down all programmed buttonsettingsBefore selling the vehicle, it is a good ideato erase button settings.Button settings can only be erased all atonce. It is not possible to erase individualbutton settings. Buttons can, however, beindividually reprogrammed, see"Reprogramming individual buttonsettings".In order to erase the programming of all3 buttons, press both outer buttons andrelease as soon as the LED begins to flash(after approx. 20 seconds). All buttonsettings have now been cleared and can beprogrammed anew at any time.NoteKeep replaced manual transmitters forpossible reprogramming. The manualtransmitters can also continue to be used.If after repeatedly performing the abovesteps a system fails to respond to theuniversal radio control, consult a workshop.We recommend that you consult yourVauxhall Authorised Repairer.During programming, the vehicle should bewithin the range of the receiver. Under nocircumstances should the vehicle be in themovement zone of a system (e.g. garagedoor).Do not programme an system without anautomatic safety stop (manufacturedbefore April 1982).Take note of the system manufacturer’ssafety instructions for drives and manualremote control units.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com