Brakes104FootbrakeThe braking system comprises twoseparate, brake circuits. If one brake circuitshould fail, the vehicle can still be stoppedwith the second remaining circuit. If thishappens, the brake pedal must be fullydepressed with greater pedal pressure. Thedistance required for braking will begreater. Before continuing your journey,consult a workshop.In order to utilise the full pedal travel -particularly in the event of a brake circuitfault - there must be no mats in the area ofthe pedals.With the engine stopped the servoassistance is discontinued after the brakepedal has been depressed once or twice.The braking action will not be reduced butgreater pedal pressure will be necessary.Take extra care when the vehicle is beingtowed.Check the brake lights before starting outon a journey.Shortly after starting each journey theeffectiveness of the brake system shouldbe tested at low speed withoutinconveniencing other traffic, especially ifthe brakes are wet, e.g. after the vehiclehas been washed.The brake fluid level should be checkedregularly. If the brake fluid level is too lowand the handbrake is not applied, controlindicator R in the instrument clusterilluminates - see page 20.HandbrakeAlways apply handbrake firmly. On slopesapply the handbrake as firmly as possible.The mechanical handbrake acts on thebrakes on the rear wheels. It engagesautomatically when applied.To release the handbrake pull the lever upslightly, press the ratchet knob, and fullylower the lever.