156 Technical dataWeights, payload and roof loadThe payload is the difference between thepermissible Gross Vehicle Weight and theEC kerbweight.The combined total of front and rear axleloads (see vehicle identification plate) mustnot exceed the permissible Gross VehicleWeight, i.e. if the front axle load is beingfully utilized, the rear axle load must not besuch that the permissible Gross VehicleWeight is exceeded.Optional equipment and accessoriesincrease the kerbweight and in some casesalso the permissible Gross Vehicle Weight,which means that the payload will alsochange slightly.Note the weights given on the vehicleidentification plate.Roof loads must not be carried onmaxi-roof variants. For standard or highroof variants, the maximum permissibleroof load (which includes the weight of theroof rack) is 300 kg.The maximum load on the Vauxhall fulllength roof rack system is 202 kg for shortwheelbase models, 195 kg for mediumwheelbase models and 188 kg for longwheelbase models.Driving hints – see page 86.Vehicle weights (approx. kg)Model Wheelbase Roof GVW1)1) Both the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and Gross Combination Weight (GCW) are shown on theVIN plate - see page 152.Kerbweight 2)2) In accordance with EC directive of a base model, including assumed weights of driver (68kg),luggage (7kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).Engine3)3) Sales designation: see page 154.G9U 632 G9U 650 G9U 754Van Short Standard 2800 1829 1815 17993300 1832 1818 18023500 1839 1825 1809High 3300 1860 1846 18303500 1867 1853 1837Medium High 3300 1901 1887 18713500 1909 1894 1879Maxi 3500 1932 1918 1879Long High 3500 1951 1937 1949Maxi 3500 1979 1964 1921Combi Short Standard 2800 1916 / 19934)4) Half / fully glazed.1901 / 1977 4) 1850 / 19134)Medium High 2800 1994 / 20684) 1980 / 2053 4) 1928 / 19894)High 3500 2007 / 20814) 1992 / 2065 4) 1940 / 20014)