38 RadioSwitching the I Traffic service on andoffTo switch the traffic announcementon and off:Press the SETUP / TEXT button andturn the central rotary knob to accessthe Radio functions menu. Pressknob to select.Turn the rotary knob to select iTraffic and switch on/off by pressingthe knob.■ If the radio traffic service isswitched on, CD/MP3 playback isinterrupted for the duration of thetraffic announcement.■ Traffic announcements will not bebroadcast automatically when theLW or MW waveband is selected.Change the audio source orwaveband to FM to ensure trafficannouncements are broadcastautomatically.Blocking out traffic announcementsTo block out a traffic announcemente.g. during CD/MP3 playback: Pressthe central rotary knob (or the /button).The traffic announcement isinterrupted, but the radio trafficservice remains switched on.Text information (Radio text)Certain FM radio stations issue textinformation relating to the broadcastprogram (e.g. song name).Press and hold the SETUP / TEXTbutton to see this information.Press the / button or wait for30 seconds to return to the originaldisplay screen.