62 NavigationInformation on the displayMenu screenThe menu screen contains thefollowing:1. Menu name2. Sub-menu selection3. Menu page scroll barTo access the main menu, press theMENU button.Menus may contain multiple screenpages. The scroll bar indicates thecurrent position.Quick menuThe Quick menu contains a presetselection of some commonly usedmenu items (e.g. hide map, cancelroute, report safety cameras, etc.).To access the Quick menu, press thecentral button on the remote control.Map screenThe map screen contains thefollowing:1. Warning of the next risk areawithin distance (fixed or mobilespeed camera, school, etc.)2. Speed limit. Illuminates red andflashes if speed limit is exceeded3. Name of the next major road orroad sign information, ifapplicable4. Traffic sidebar: Display ofincidents on the route, traffic inforeception indicator5. Current time6. Direction and distance to nextchange of direction7. Exterior temperature (dependingon vehicle)8. Journey information, e.g.estimated arrival time, totalremaining distance9. Current location10. Audio system information11. CompassTo access the map screen at anytime, press the MAP 2D/3D button.