Navigation 59Updating the SD card andNavigation systemUpdates are issued regularly, e.g. formap and safety camera revisions.These updates are only available viathe TomTom HOME software, whichis accessed via the SD card.Using the TomTom HOME software,it is possible to:■ Update the Navigation system(maps, safety cameras etc.),■ Subscribe to LIVE services,■ Save the system data onto yourcomputer,■ Add or delete data,■ Customise the system,■ Share map corrections with thecommunity (Map Share™),■ Download the full TomTom™Navigation system user manual.The TomTom HOME software menusguide you through these operations.System updateTo get the best from the Navigationsystem, update it as often aspossible. Map Share™ map updates,for example, can be shared with theentire community of system users.Main functions ofTomTom HOME applicationDownload new and extra mapsSelect the Add Maps icon to accessthe menu where maps can bedownloaded.Downloading voices, points ofinterest, etc.Select the Add Traffic, Voices, SafetyCameras, etc. icon to:■ download voices to customise thesystem,■ download points of interest, etc.NoteIn certain countries it is illegal todownload and activate the camerawarning option and this could lead toprosecution.Save the SD card and system dataSystem data can be saved on yourcomputer and also restored, ifnecessary.It is recommended that the systemdata is saved on a regular basis.Saving the data allows it to berecovered if, for example, the SD cardis lost or damaged.Download instructionsIt is possible to access to the fullTomTom™ Navigation system usermanual for the system.Customise the systemIt is also possible to customise thesystem by installing new points ofinterest and synthesised voices andby changing the colour scheme.