Phone 79Bluetooth must be activated on themobile phone for the phone to berecognised by the handsfree phonesystem. Searching continues until apaired phone is found. A displaymessage indicates that the phone isconnected.NoteWhen a Bluetooth connection isactive, using the handsfree phonesystem will discharge the mobilephone battery more rapidly.Automatic connectionFor your phone to connectautomatically when the system isswitched on, it may be necessary toactivate the automatic Bluetoothconnection function on your mobilephone; refer to the mobile phoneoperating instructions.NoteWhen reconnecting to a pairedphone, or when 2 paired phones arewithin range of the handsfree phonesystem, either the priority phone (ifdefined) or the last connected phoneis connected automatically, even ifthis phone is outside the vehicle butstill within range of the handsfreephone system.During automatic connection, if a callis already in progress, theconversation will automatically switchto the vehicle's microphone andloudspeakers.If connection fails:■ Check the phone is switched on,■ Check the phone battery is not flat,■ Check if the phone has alreadybeen paired.The Bluetooth function on the mobilephone and on the handsfree phonesystem must be active and the mobilephone must be configured to acceptthe system connection request.Manual connectionR15 BT / CD15 BT - ManualconnectionTo change the phone connected tothe handsfree phone system, pressthe TEL button and select the SelectDevice menu. The device list showsthe phones already paired.Select the desired phone from the listand confirm by pressing the OK rotaryknob. A display message confirmsphone connection.CD30 BT - Manual connectionTo change the phone connected tothe handsfree phone system, pressthe 0 button and select Bluetoothconnection from the settings menu.The device list shows the phonesalready paired.Select the desired phone from thedevice list, then select Connect thedevice and confirm by pressing therotary knob. A display messageconfirms phone connection.