157Driving an d OperationIf a complete set of wheels without Ty rePressure Monitoring S ystem 3 sensors ismounted (e.g. four winter tyres), no errormessage will be displayed. The TyrePressure Monitoring S ystem is notopera tional. The tyre pressure of a set ofwheels w ithout sensors is monitored by theDeflation Detection System – seepage 154.Sensors for the Tyre Pressure MonitoringSy stem can b e fitted at a la ter date by aworkshop upon request.When ma nually check ing tyre pressure w itha p ressure gauge, screw the adapter ontothe v alve. Tyre pressure –see pages 160, 220.Ev ery time you change a tyre, the v alveinserts a nd sealing rings from the TyrePressure Monitoring S ystem m ust berep la ced by a workshop.The use of com mercially availab le liquidfilled run-flat systems or rep air kits canimpair the function of the system.Vauxhall-approved sy stems can be used.Radio transmitters (e.g. radio headphones,walkie-talkies) opera ted in the area couldcause interference in the Tyre PressureMonitoring S ystem.Brake systemThe effectiveness of the brakes is a nimportant factor for traffic safety.To improve effectiveness, do not brakeunnec essarily ha rd for the first 125 miles(200 km) after new brak e p ads ha ve beenfitted.Brake pad wear must not ex ceed aspecified lim it. Reg ular maintenance asdetailed in the S ervice Booklet is thereforeof the utmost im porta nce for traffic sa fety.Have worn brake pads replaced by awork shop.Pa ds which hav e b een tested a nd passedensure optimum brak e perform ance.Brake pads worn to their minimum a renoisy. It is possible to continue driving .Have y our brak e pads replaced as soon aspossible. Seek the assista nce of a workshopfor replacing the brake pads.Brake assistPowerful app lic ation of the brake ped alautomatically applies m aximum b ra kingforce amplification to achieve the shortestpossible braking distance und er fullbrak ing (b rake assist).Maintain steady pressure on the b rakepedal for as long as full-on brak ing is tocontinue. When the brake pedal isreleased, the m aximum b ra ke forceam plification is taken away .Adaptive brake light 3During full-on brak ing, all three brakelights flash for the dura tion of ABS control.FootbrakeThe footbrake comprises two independ entbrak e circuits.If a brak e circuit fails, the vehicle can still bebrak ed using the other brake circuit.However, braking effect is achieved onlywhen you dep ress the pedal firmly. Youneed to use considerab ly more force forthis. The brak ing distance is ex tended.S eek the a ssistance of a workshop beforecontinuing y our journey .To ensure the full peda l travel can beutilized, especially in case of a fault in oneof the b ra ke circuits, there m ust be no ma tsin the vicinity of the pedals – see page 142.When the engine is not running, theassistance of the brake servo unitdisappears once the brak e pedal ha s beendepressed once or twice. Braking effect isnot red uced, but braking req uiressignifica ntly greater force. This is especiallyimportant to bear in mind w hen towing.