64 Seats, InteriorIn the event of an accident, persons notwearing seat belts endanger their fellowoccupants and themselv es.Control indicator X 3 for the seat belt –see page 84.Seat belts are only designed for use by oneperson at a tim e. They are not suitable forpersons young er than 12 years of age orsmaller than 150 cm.For children up to 12 yea rs of ag e, w erecom mend the Vaux hall child restraintsystem – see page 68.Belt force limitersBelt force limiters on the front seats reducethe b od y load d ue to dam ped release ofthe b elt on a collision. This means that theoccupants move forwa rd s under control.Inspection of beltsCheck all parts of the belt systemoccasiona lly for damag e and function.Replace damaged parts. Following anaccident, ha ve the belts and deployed belttensioners replaced by a workshop.Do not perform a ny alterations on thebelts, their anchora ges, the autom aticretractors or the b elt buckles.Make sure that belts are not dam aged ortrapped by sharp-edged objects.Belt tensionersThe front seat belts are fitted with belttensioners. The seat belts are pulled downat the buck les on a front or rear-impac tabove a certa in severity. This tightens thebelts.Actuation of be lt tens ionersAc tuation of belt tensioners is indicated byillumination of control indica tor v, seeFig. 17105 T.If the belt tensioners are d eployed, thesemust b e replaced by a workshop.Further inform ation – see page 65.Control indicator v for be lttensionersThe function of the belt tensioners ismonitored elec tronically together with theairbag sy stems and indicated by controlindicator v. When the ignition is switchedon, the control indicator illuminates forapp rox . 4 seconds. If it does not illum inate,does not go out a fter 4 seconds orilluminates whilst driv ing, there is a fault inthe belt tensioner or a nd airbag systems.The systems may fail to trigger in the eventof an ac cident.Deployment of the belt tensioners isindicated by continuous illumination of v.S elf-diagnosis integrated into the systemfacilitates rapid rectification of faults.9 Warn ingImmediately rectify the cause of the fault.