201Servic e, Mainten anceHav e m aintenanc e work and repa irwork on the vehicle body and enginecarried out by a repairer in accordancewith Vauxhall Motors’ recommendations,using Genuine Vauxhall Parts a ndAccessories.We recommend consulting your VauxhallAuthorised Repairer, who has ex cellentknowled ge of Vauxhall vehicles andpossesses the necessary special tools andthe c urrent Serv ic e Instruc tions fromVauxhall. To avoid a loss of warrantyclaims, y ou are a dvised to consult aVauxhall Authorised Repairer during thewarranty p eriod in particular. For furtherinform ation, see the Service Book let.Separate anti-corrosion s erviceHav e this work done in accordance withthe interv als specified in the ServiceBooklet.Genuine Vauxhall Parts andAccessoriesWe rec om mend that you use "GenuineVauxhall Parts and Accessories" a ndconv ersion p arts ap prov ed exp ressly foryour vehicle type. These parts ha veundergone spec ia l tests to establish theirreliability, safety a nd specific suitability forVauxhall v ehicles. Despite continuousmarket monitoring, we ca nnot assess orguarantee these attributes for otherprod uc ts, even if they hav e b een grantedapproval by the releva nt authorities or insome other form."Genuine Vauxhall Parts and Accessories"and conversion parts approved byVauxhall c an be ob tained from y ourVauxhall Authorised Repairer, w ho c anprov ide com prehensive advice aboutpermitted tec hnical c hanges and ensurethat the part is installed correc tly .A note on safetyTo av oid injury from moving parts andcab les conduc ting ignition voltage, onlycarry out engine c om partment checks (e.g.checking brake fluid or engine oil level)when the ignition is switched off.9 Warn ingThe cooling fan is controlled by athermosw itc h and can therefore startunexpectedly ev en if the ig nition isswitched off. Risk of injury .Electronic ignition sy stems use a very highvoltage. Do not touch the ig nition sy stem;danger to life.