205Servic e, Mainten anceCoolant te mperatureControl indicator W illuminates whencoolant temp erature is too high. C heckcoolant lev el imm ediately:z Coolant level too low:Top up coolant: see the instructionsunder "Anti-freeze and corrosionprotection" and "C oolant level". H avethe reason for the loss of c oolantrectified b y a work shop.z Coolant level correct:Have the reason for the high c oolanttemperature rectified. S eek theassistance of a workshop.Brake fluidBrake fluid lev elThe fluid lev el in the container must beneither higher than the MAX mark norlow er than the M IN m ark.There are brake fluids which could lead todam age or reduced braking w hen used.Therefore, we recommend that you use,where necessary , only ap prov ed highperforma nc e brak e fluid.When topping up, ensure max imumcleanliness as contamination of the brak efluid can lead to function prob lems in thebrak ing sy stem.O nce the brake fluid level has beencorrec ted, hav e the reason for the loss ofbrak e fluid rectified by a workshop.Brake fluid changeBrake fluid is hygrosc op ic , i.e. it ab sorbswater. If the brakes become hot, such aswhen driving on long downhill stretches,va pour b ub bles can occur in the water,which can hav e an extremely adverseeffect on braking power (dep ending on theproportion of water).The fluid c hange interva ls specified in theS ervice Booklet m ust therefore beobserved.9 WarningBrake fluid is poisonous a nd corrosive.Do not allow it to contact eyes, sk in,fabrics or painted surfaces. Direct conta ctmay cause injuries and dam age.9 Warn ingHave your brake fluid changed at aworkshop. Observ e legal requirements –regarding p rotection of your health andthe environm ent – when disposing of usedoil and engine oil filters.