41Locks, D oors, Windo wsFault in remote control or O pe n&Startsystem 3To unlockTurn key or em ergenc y key withO pen&Start system 3 – see page 35,forwards in d riv er’s d oor lock a s far as it willgo. Turn key back to a vertic al position andrem ov e. The entire vehicle is unlock edwhen the driver’s door is opened. Thevehic le is unlock ed (not possible if anti-theft locking system 3 enabledbeforehand ). To deactivate the anti-theftlocking system 3 switch ignition on.Em ergency operation of the Open&Startsystem 3 – see pa ge 35.To lockO pen front passenger’s door, close d riv er’sdoor, press centra l locking button m incentre console. Central locking systemlocks all doors. Close front passenger’ sdoor.Malfunction in ce ntral locking s yste mTo unlockTurn key or em ergenc y key withO pen&Start system 3 – see page 35,forwards in d riv er’s d oor lock a s far as it willgo. Turn key back to a vertic al position andrem ov e. The other doors can b e opened b ypulling the handle inside the d oors (notpossible if anti-theft locking system 3enab led b eforehand). The lugg agecompartment and fuel filler cap remainlocked. To deactivate the anti-theft lockingsystem 3 sw itch ignition on – see page 44.To lockWith the Open&S tart sy stem 3 – seepage 35. To lock passenger’s door, insertkey or em ergency key into opening a bovelock on inside of door and opera te lock b ypressing (audible) and close d oor.Procedure m ust be carried out for everydoor. Driver’s door can be locked from theoutside. The unlocked fuel filler ca p andthe tailgate cannot be lock ed.Emerge ncy ope ration ofOpen&Start system 3,see p age 35.Luggage compartmentTo unlockRem ote control w ith mechanic al keyPress button q on the rem ote control, thelugg age compartment a nd doors a reunlocked.O pen&Start system wi th el ect ronic k ey 3O perating the button b enea th the tailgatehandle unlocks and op ens the luggagecompa rtm ent together with the doors if theelectronic key is recognized outside of thecar,– or –Press button p of the electronic k ey’ sremote control, the luggage compartmentwill be unlocked together with the doors.To openThe lugg age compartment is opened b yoperating the button beneath the handle.9 Warn ingDo not drive with the tailgate open orajar, e.g. when transporting bulky objec ts,since toxic exhaust g as could penetra tethe interior.