85In struments, ControlsAEngine ele ctronics, transmissionelectronics 3, im mobilis er,die sel fuel filte r 3, faultControl indicator illum inates or flashesyellow.It illuminates for a few seconds when theignition is switched on.Ill uminates when the eng ine is runni ngFault in the engine electronics ortransm ission electronics system. Electronic sswitch to emergency running program me,fuel consum ption may increase and thedrivability of the vehicle ma y be impaired –see page 147. I mmediately seek theassistance of a workshop.Illuminated tog ether w ith I nSP4 in theservice display: Have the d iesel fuel filterdrained of water – see page 203.If i t flashes w hen t he i gnition is onFault in the electronic immobiliser system;the engine ca nnot be started – seepage 30.jEasytronic 3, start engineControl indicator illum inates yellow.It illuminates if the footbrak e is notopera ted. The indica tor goes off a s soon asthe footbrake is operated. The engine ca nonly be started w ith the footbrak eopera ted – see page 131.IDS+Inte ractive Dynamic DrivingSys tem 3, Continuous DampingControl (CDC) 3, SPORT m ode 3Control indica tor illuminates y ellow.It illum ina tes for a few seconds when theignition is switc hed on.Illumi nates whilst dr ivingFault in the sy stem. S eek the a ssistance ofa workshop.IDS+ – see page 148, C DC – see page 150,SPORT mode – see page 150.SEngine oil le vel 3Control indica tor illuminates y ellow.The engine oil lev el is check ed 1 )autom atic ally.Illumi nates when the engine is runningEngine oil level too low . Check engine oillevel and top up engine oil if necessa ry –see p age 202.8Exterior lightsC ontrol indicator illuminates green.It is illuminated when the exterior lightsare on – see pag e 105.rParking distance s ens ors 3C ontrol indicator illuminates yellow .Fault in the system. Seek the assistance ofa work shop.Parking distance sensors – see page 152.OTurn s ignal lightsC ontrol indicator flashes green.The corresp onding c ontrol indicatorflashes on the side selected.Both control indic ators flash with thehazard warning lights on.Fast flashing: failure of a turn signal light orassocia ted fuse, failure of turn signal lighton trailer 3.C ha nge bulbs – see pa ge 187.Fuses – see page 184.1) N ot for Z 20 LEH engine, for s alesd esig na tion – see p ag e 212.