52 • PROFINET IO 750-340I/O Device ConfigurationWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750PROFINET IOModule Description Name exampleDO_DIA_0 Configuration module for filling input andoutput information previously reserved bymodules Dx_32, Dx_DIA_32, Dx_16,Dx_DIA_16, Dx_8 or Dx_DIA_8. Caremust be taken that the number of previouslyreserved input and output bits are sufficientto receive the existing output and diagnosticinformation of the configured I/O module(represented in brackets with negativesign).750-507 2DA(-4 BIT A),DIA in E-PA3. Configuring Analog I/O ModulesTwo configuration modules are available for configuring analog input andoutput modules. The first module supplies the user data in the respective inputor output process image. The second module, that is provided with EM(Extended Mapping) as module description extension, supplies all existingdata including control and status information in the input and output areas.These modules make it possible to access the register structure of the I/Omodule in productive data exchange, so that, e.g., the operating parameterscan be modified.Module Description Exemplary MarkingAI Configuration module for analog inputmodules. Each channel provides 1 word(2 bytes) of data in the input process imageof the I/O controller.75x-467 2AE, 0-10 VAI_EM Configuration module for analog inputmodules. Each signal channel provides astructure of 1 byte status and 1 word(2 bytes) of data in the input process imageof the I/O controller. Each signal channelprovides a structure of 1 byte control and 1word (2 bytes) of data in the output processimage if the I/O controller. Thisinformation does not have any significancein the output area of the I/O module duringnormal operation.75x-467 2AE, 0-10 V, EMAO Configuration module for analog outputmodules. Each channel provides 1 word(2 bytes) of data in the output processimage of the I/O controller.750-550 2AA, 0-10 V