82 • PROFINET IO 750-340DiagnosticsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750PROFINET IOByteoffset Data type Description0x0020...0x003FReserved0x0040 Wrong F Address of the PROFIsafe I/Omodule (F-Slave)0x0041 Invalid F Address of the PROFIsafeI/O module (F-Slave)0x0042 Wrong F Address of the I/O Controller(F-Host)0x0043 Invalid F Address of the I/O Controller(F-Host)0x0044 SIL class is not supported0x0045 Wrong F-CRC length0x0046 Wrong version of the F parameter set.0x0047 Invalid CRC of the F parameter set0x0048...0x00FFReserved0x0100...0x7FFFManufacturer specific0x8000...0xFFFFReserved3. Fault Types of I/O Modules with Diagnostics CapabilityThe fault numbers 0x0000 / 0 to 0x000F / 15 contain standard messages. Theallocated meaning of fault numbers 0x001B / 27 to 0x001F / 31 arerecommended in the specification. Starting with fault number 0x0020 / 32,the associated fault messages are reserved or can be used according to themanufacturer specifications.Fault number Significance0x0000 / 0 Reserved, not specified0x0001 / 1 Short circuit0x0002 / 2 Low voltage0x0003 / 3 High voltage0x0004 / 4 Overload0x0005 / 5 Over temperature0x0006 / 6 Wire Break0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value exceeded0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value undershot0x0009 / 9 FaultS T A N D A R D I Z E D0x000A / 10...0x000F / 15reserved0x0010 / 16 Configuration fault0x0011 / 17 Transmitter or load voltage missing0x0012 / 18 Fuse fault0x0013 / 19 free0x0014 / 20 Ground faultQ U A S I S T AN D A R D I Z E0x0015 / 21 Reference channel fault